St. Vincent de Paul
If you have any questions or concerns about receiving help, call 414/418-9783
You will be able to leave a confidential message that will be answered by a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish.
You may visit the North Lake Food Pantry every Tuesday or Saturday, from 8:30 to 9:30 am on both days.
Note: The food pantry serves our locality. If you are not within the food pantry limits (the Arrowhead School District), we will refer you to the next closest food pantry.
Donations: There is a basket in the vestibule of the Monches and North Lake churches for food donations. There are also baskets in the main entrance to the Parish Center in North Lake. Non-perishable food items are greatly appreciated. We cannot accept home-canned items. Financial donations may be placed in the Poor Boxes at church or mailed to the Parish Center (scroll below).
Commonly Needed Items:
Toilet paper
Graham and Saltine Crackers
Canned Pasta
Canned Fruit
Canned Vegetables
Ketchup and Mayonnaise
Vegetable Oil
Children’s Cereals
Personal Hygiene Products
Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta
Dish Detergent
Laundry Products
Financial donations can be mailed to:
North Lake Food Pantry
c/o Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish
P. O. Box 68
North Lake, WI 53064-0068
(Checks should be made out to St. Teresa of Calcutta)
We also supply food baskets/boxes to the needy in the surrounding North Lake/Monches area for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Want to volunteer to be part of this beautiful ministry?
Our meetings are held twice a month at 9 am, on alternating Wednesdays, in the Parish Center.
Go to our parish calendar to find the next meeting.
We welcome anyone who would like to learn more about joining our group. Gather with us in the prayerful fellowship and share ideas about how to better help our neighbors.