Adult Formation/Becoming Fully Catholic

Adult Formation
At various times during the year, but especially during Advent and Lent, Adult Formation opportunities are made available to parishioners. Information will be posted here, on Facebook, and in the bulletin.

Becoming Catholic

One of the best ways to find out about becoming Catholic or to seek full communion in the Catholic Church is to speak with Deacon Allen Olson who will help you determine your next steps. You might also make a point of attending Mass at Monches or North Lake, and take a look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is our official summary of our faith. It is available online or it can be ordered at various sites including Amazon and Liguori Press.

RCIA/Becoming Fully Catholic

The journey to becoming Catholic is one of invitation and initiation. Throughout the journey, you are encouraged to prayerfully discern if God is calling you to continue. The process is called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). In RCIA, you will learn about the teachings of Jesus as the Catholic Church has handed them on and also have the opportunity to participate in the life of the parish through service and prayer. 

  • If you have not been baptized, Christian initiation prepares you to become a Catholic Christian through the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
  • If you have been baptized in another Christian church, initiation prepares you to celebrate the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation. 

For more information about the RCIA Program, visit the Archdiocesan website.