First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion, The Holy Eucharist, is the Sacrament of the reception of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. It is the real presence of Jesus by which a child comes to understand that God nourishes us with Divine Life and makes us one with other Catholics, with the Church, and with Christ Himself. The reception of the Body and Blood of Christ for the first time is an important event in a child's life. The Church asks from the child only that which he/she is capable of giving, that is faith in God and a genuine desire to experience the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The Church asks the parents to be open to a partnership of preparation between the parish community, the religious education program, and the parents of the other candidates for First Holy Communion.
To help in preparation for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, the curriculum we use is Go, Seek, Find for both Reconciliation and Eucharist for our 2nd – 4th graders preparing for the sacrament. For older students we use a variety of programs based on the level of formation you have had previously. These programs takes the children on a meaningful experience that will help to pass on the truth and beauty of our Catholic faith and the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.