Parish Director: Deacon Allen Olson
Chair: Christine Aicher
Vice-Chair: Dorothy Bennett
Secretary: Steve Casper
Staff Liaison: Teri Moseler
Trustee: Peter Maurer
Bill Budzien
Bill Claas
Lori Haizel
Lori Paprocki
The Pastoral Council, similar to the archdiocesan pastoral council, is to “investigate all those things which pertain to pastoral works, weighing them and proposing practical conclusions about them” (cc. 511, 536).
In a broad sense, the main purpose of the Council to serve as stewards of the mission of the church can be described as pastoral planning. This understanding is consistent with its nature as the wisdom group within the community. The pastor and the Pastoral Council collaboratively focus on the mission of the church.
The Pastoral Council has three principal purposes.
- To serve as a vehicle for fulfilling the pastoral mission of Jesus and the Church in a specific part of the Archdiocese;
- To strive to build a community of disciples who recognize their baptismal calls to lives of holiness, witness, and service; and
- To engage in a continuous process of pastoral planning which takes into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, the Archdiocese, the broader community, and the world.
Each spring, parishioners are asked to nominate individuals to serve on the Council. Registered baptized parishioners over the age of 18 are eligible. Those nominated discern three parishioners each year to serve on the council for a 3-year term. One trustee is elected each year to a 2-year term by a vote of parishioners. Meetings are scheduled monthly except for July.