Finance Council

Parish Director: Deacon Allen Olson
Chair: Rick Berger
Dawn Timm

Trustee/Secretary: Peter Mauer
PC Liaison: Steve Casper

Staff Liaison:  Deanna Courtney

Dawn Cull

Michael Francis

Brian Walsh

Kurt Weiss

The parish finance council, similar to the archdiocesan finance council, “prepares . . . a budget of the income and expenditures which are foreseen” and “at the end of the year examines an account of the revenues and expenses” (c. 493).

The finance council has five main purposes:

  • To provide advice and guidance to the pastor in the administration of parish assets;
  • To prepare the budget and review financial statements;
  • To monitor the financial condition of the parish, including regular audits/reviews and internal financial controls;
  • To review any indebtedness of the parish and assist the pastor in taking care of interest and capital payments; and
  • To provide an annual financial report to the parish