Buildings and Grounds Team

Team Lead: Todd Gehring
PC Liaison: Bill Claas
Staff Liaison: Tom Hansinger
Notes: Marilyn Guenther
Deacon Allen Olson

Rick Berger

Bob Cull
Rita Lund

Bob Martzahl, St. Clare Cemetery
Mike McNeil

Steve Nachreiner
Mike Steinbauer
Dale Westphal


The Buildings & Grounds Team:

  • Oversees the maintenance and upkeep of parish property, buildings and cemetery grounds;
  • Plans for the future needs and capital improvements of the parish are reviewed and discussed by committee members; and
  • Coordinates several parish workdays during the year so that various projects can be completed.

The committee meets at 5:30 pm on the second Monday of each month, (except during July and August) in the Parish Center.